Sawnee Ridge Church’s Mission Team works with members, community charities and organizations, and international Christian non-profit organizations to assist others in need and show our love for our neighbors as Jesus loved us and spread the good news of Jesus Christ’s love throughout our community and abroad.
Forsyth County Cumming and Mashburn Elementary Schools have Dual Language Instruction programs and need more books for children in both english and spanish versions. So we are having a book drive! Find out more about how to help us buy/donate books…
We partner with Whispering Hope in their mission to help women and young mothers…. Find out more about Whispering Hope…
In 2024, Sawnee Ridge launched a food ministry by growing fresh greens and veggies to serve this congregation and the local community! We have begun by growing lettuce, greens, and veggies in a local greenhouse. Find out more about our Faith Garden…
To better serve our congregational members who could use some neighborly help with light maintenance or household issues due to health, disability or other issues, we started our Congregational Care Ministry. Members of the church offer their time and service to assist those with tasks that they are not able or comfortable doing themselves. Find out more about our Congregational Care Ministry...
Jungle Kids For Christ – Ecuador
We support their mission to provide a school and education for…. Find out more…
RIO Ministries – Mexico
We support the children’s food and worship ministry in …. Find out more...